
Nvidia Workstations & Edge GPUs

Liqid Matrix

Composable infrastructure software platform


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Liqid Matrix leverages industry-standard data center components to deliver a flexible, scalable architecture built from pools of disaggregated resources.
Availability: In stock

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Disaggregate and Composable

Industry average of 10%-15% utilisation of data centre infrastructure. Demand for fast results from modern workloads like AI and HPC continues to increase. Unfortunately, the conventional server infrastructure limitations delay workload time-to-value, limit configuration possibilities, and increase costs with underutilized resources and tedious manual tasks.

A new software defined approach to server configuration and management called composable disaggregated infrastructure (CDI) Liqid Matrix accelerates application time-to-value and improves operations and capital efficiency at core and edge deployments.

How it works

Compute, networking, storage, GPU, FPGA, and Intel® Optane™ memory devices are interconnected over intelligent fabrics to deliver dynamically-configurable bare-metal servers, perfectly sized, with the exact physical resources required by each deployed application.

Part No. Liqid-Matrix
End of Life? No
Virtualisation Support HyperV, VMWare, Horizon, Citrix, Teradici

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